Anyways, I thought I'll keep this blog kickin' again.
So, when was the last travel since Hong Kong?
PATTAYA (and of course Bangkok)!!!
The plan was to get me and mom to Korea.
Some technical errors with the travel agent and rescheduled date was not ngam, Korea had to be put on hold.
But travel we must. So, mom coaxed me into joining a tour group from hometown to Pattaya. Agreed. Well, since we were already excited about traveling together again (after our first time to Beijing).
This post is way backdated (2013) so I have forgotten much of the details except for some photos saved in Facebook. Thank God.

Mom and I second time traveling together.

Apparently, this is not photoshopped-for-internet-use. True story, only in Bangkok.

Our planned meals while there almost always the same. But i guess Thai food is my cup of tea. I didn't get bored of the food especially not the Tom Yam soup.

So I went to Pattaya and tried para-sailing.

Some parks we visited...and when i was into stop-drop-poga :D

Just do what a tourist must do lah...

Cultural show is a must-go thingy (at least for me)

Comes night time...

She-male or not, the stage props is always among the best thing to see.

Photo session!
Well, they gotta pay for the boob job don't they?

I hadn't been adventurous with the food while there..probably cos i didn't get to find one. Perhaps next time.

I can simply passed as a Thai girl in this costume.
Wat Arun, Bangkok.

And who else could be fooled?
They excitedly requested to take photo with me.
Should have charged them a few bucks so i can balik modal my costume rent.

Second time at Dumnoen Saduak Floating Market.

I spotted our tour guide chilling down with a glass of kopi O ping and a bowl of noodle soup while waiting for us roaming the market. Since there wasn't much to see that isn't already been seen before, i dragged mom to sit down and rest and eat what the tour guide had. Macam sedap bah...although, can be better. Ha!

Final night in Bangkok.
Gotta finish all the Thai Baht at the night market.

Last itinerary before we bid Bangkok goodbye - the leather house of everything!
Well, i bought me-self a stingray purse which friends back home keep saying is a good buy; good fengshui. Hmmm...
Not exactly a travel that i fancy a lot but still one that i enjoyed especially with my mother. However, given a choice, will not go for full tour guided unless i have to travel with mom again.